Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Spending the holidays with a few friends

It's been a pretty crowded house here for the last few days.  A friend visited with her 6 greyhounds, making 13 greyhounds here over Christmas!!  It was heaven for greyhound-lovers, but I wasn't sure if Love would appreciate all that company, commotion, and change in routine.

WRONG!  She was fine!  She got along perfectly with everyone, and never lost her own routine.  She's actually proving to be very adaptable! 

I didn't have to make any special adjustments for her.  Love still did well being left with my hounds (and some of the visitors) when we were out.  She never missed a meal.  She slept perfectly.  And she never lost her housebreaking manners.

Love's in each of these pictures but hard to see... behind a tail, at the edge of the picture, and in a crowd.  She was almost always right in the thick of things.

Well, maybe she was a little worried about getting lost in the crowd at meal time but that could never happen!  Who could overlook that adorable face!!

And, of course, a greyhound always has to have their down-time.  There's nothing more important than a nap.

The guests have left.  We're back down to just 7 hounds now.  Love really seemed to enjoy all the company, and wasn't fazed at all by the new happenings.  Good girl!!

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